
Update Android 2.1 For HTC Hero and Samsung Moment From Sprint, Soon

Update Android 2.1 For HTC Hero and Samsung Moment From Sprint

Based on the Sprint tweeted said that Sprint would like to release an update of Android 2.1 for HTC Hero and Samsung in early Q2 201, so maybe April is the month of the update release or event the late of March.

But we got unofficial schedule about HTC Hero Android 2.1 Update Schedule:
-HTC EU (Nordic/Greek/RUS/UKR/SA) 2010/4/2
-TMO – UK TMO 2010/4/16
-UK/ES Orange 2010/4/16
-TMO – DE TMO 2010/4/16
-SFR signature Orange 2010/4/22
-ZA(Vodacom) HTC 2010/4/22
-H3G UK H3G 2010/4/22
-HTC BE HTC 2010/5/4
-HTC TUR HTC 2010/5/4
-TMO – PL TMO 2010/5/10
-TMO – HU TMO 2010/5/10
-TMO – MK TMO 2010/5/10

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