
Hape Esia Connect C2823 Free Chatting at Esia Messenger

Hape Esia Connect
Hape Esia Connect C2823 Free Chatting at Esia Messenger

Hape Esia Connect, code name C2823, comes by promising free of charge of chatting at Esia Messenger.
Esia Messenger is internal Esia network chat that use the phone number as PIN.
Another free offer of Hape Esia Connect C2823 is Free Facebook access for a month.
The following is the specifications and features at glance of Hape Esia Connect C2823:
-Display 65000 colors
-500 phonebooks
-500 SMS
-32 chord polyphonic ringtones
-Speaker phone
-Vivanews application
-Esia Shop
-Gobak Sodor game
-Battery Lithium up to 10 days
The price of Hape Esia Connect C2823 is 255,000 rupiah before tax.

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