
Tricks Android Smartphone For Long Lasting Batteries

Tricks Android Smartphone For Long Lasting Batteries

Some tricks for durability android smartphone battery:

1. Install applications Power Control
Installed in phone memory instead of memory card and capable of running like widgets.

2. Change the Mail
This means that all Gmail only and is not just about all of the Mail application. Provided for every one hour or several minutes.

3. Adjust screen brightness
Screen brightness is set to a minimum with the result that is comfortable to be seen or when used for reading.

4. Use Power Manager application
There are applications that can make the user can turn on and turn off WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS based location or time. That is by using the Power Manager application, you can also use applications such as Airplane Autoswitch, Screebl, or Locale functions which can be expanded again by using plug-ins.

5. Get used to download and update the application when to charge cell phone
It seems reasonable to the above activities performed while mengcharge phone, if you use Wi-Fi the most wasteful battery will not affect your battery life.

Tags: Smartphone Battery For Long-lasting And Durable, Tricks Smartphone Battery Durability,
Agar Baterai Smartphone Awet Dan Tahan Lama,Trik Keawetan Baterai Smartphone.

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