
Price Torch Mobile Phone BlackBerry 9860, 9810, BB Bold Touch

Price Torch Mobile Phone BlackBerry 9860, 9810, BB Bold Touch

The news from Canada while dating, namely the issuance price for the three types of BB Phone BlackBerry Bold Touch And Torch 9860.9810. However, all three phones were sold at a price contract for three years.

For BlackBerry 9860 and 9810 Torch will be offered at a price of 199.99 U.S., while the BlackBerry Bold Touch will be offered at a price of 249.99 U.S.

Tags : Harga BB 9860,Harga BB 9810,Harga BB Bold Touch,Price BB 9860,Price BB 9810,Price BB Bold Touch


Tricks Android Smartphone For Long Lasting Batteries

Tricks Android Smartphone For Long Lasting Batteries

Some tricks for durability android smartphone battery:

1. Install applications Power Control
Installed in phone memory instead of memory card and capable of running like widgets.

2. Change the Mail
This means that all Gmail only and is not just about all of the Mail application. Provided for every one hour or several minutes.

3. Adjust screen brightness
Screen brightness is set to a minimum with the result that is comfortable to be seen or when used for reading.

4. Use Power Manager application
There are applications that can make the user can turn on and turn off WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS based location or time. That is by using the Power Manager application, you can also use applications such as Airplane Autoswitch, Screebl, or Locale functions which can be expanded again by using plug-ins.

5. Get used to download and update the application when to charge cell phone
It seems reasonable to the above activities performed while mengcharge phone, if you use Wi-Fi the most wasteful battery will not affect your battery life.

Tags: Smartphone Battery For Long-lasting And Durable, Tricks Smartphone Battery Durability,
Agar Baterai Smartphone Awet Dan Tahan Lama,Trik Keawetan Baterai Smartphone.

Specifications 5 Types BlackBerry OS7

Specifications 5 Types BlackBerry OS7

Five types of BB's are as follows OS7 Bold 9900,9930,9810,9850,9860.

For the fifth specification is as follows:

1. BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 include:
- Design Candy Bar QWERTY,
- VGA Resolution 640 x 480,
- Internal Memory 8 GB MicroSD card that can add up to 32 GB,
- The capacity of the touch screen 2.8 '
- 1.2 GHz processor and 768 MB RAM,
- Search-based universal sound,
- WIFI, Bluetooth, Trackpad, NFC, HSPA +, 5 Megapixel Camera

2. BlackBerry 9810 Torch
- Specifications are nearly equal to BB 9900, the only difference in the touch screen is 3.2 vs. 2.8
- Slider Design, and design of the back.

3. BlackBerry 9850 and 9860 Torch
- Screen 3.7 '
- Resolution 800 x 480 pixels
- The internal memory is smaller than BB 9900.9930 and 9810 is only 4 GB
- For other specifications, fifth nearly equal.

As for price, has yet to be ascertained.

Tags: BlackBerry 9900/9930/9810/9850/9860, 9900/9930/9810/9850/9860 BlackBerry Price, Review of the BlackBerry 9900/9930/9810/9850/9860, 9900/9930/9810/9850/9860 BlackBerry Specifications, Specifications BlackBerry 9900/9930/9810/9850/9860.

iPad 3 Will Present At the End of Year

iPad 3 Will Present At the End of Year

Reportedly, iPad3 soon to be released later this year, it indicates that the advances in technology and competition is getting tougher. So Apple will soon mengeluaran their latest products is iPad 3.

For the specification of the iPad 3 will use the Retina Display screen resolution, which may be called the iPad iPad Pro but not a substitute for 2, because the new iPad is likely intended for a particular circle.

Tags : Harga iPad3,Price iPad3,Review iPad3,Spesifikasi iPad3,Specifications iPad3

AT & T website has Presenting BlackBerryTorch 9810

AT & T website has Presenting BlackBerryTorch 9810

Recently been rumored that the Torch 9810 is already present on the website AT & T. So most likely the presence Torch 9810 will be released soon. BlackBerry 9810 Torch is the first phone to support 4G connectivity.

For some special specifications, among others, are as follows:

- 8GB Internal Memory
- The camera can record video in HD quality up to 720p.
- 1.2GHz processor, the BlackBerry OS 7
- External Memory up to 32GB

But for the price, could not be ascertained how much the price for the BlackBerry 9810 Torch will be offered.

Tags : Harga BlackBerry Torch 9810,Review BlackBerry Torch 9810,Spesifikasi BlackBerry Torch 9810,Specifications BlackBerry Torch 9810,Price BlackBerry Torch 9810.