
iPhone 4 will be supplied XL in Indonesia

iPhone 4 will be supplied XL in Indonesia

iPhone 4 which is distributed by SingTel raises a lot of disappointment because supplies are extremely limited. Apparently Apple does not provide specifically for the product exclusif Telkomsel. Proven XL will also soon open a sales iPhone 4. Look at their website, the iPhone 4 is open for registration and will soon be launched.

Although 4 quite popular iPhone overseas, but the enthusiastic interest in Indonesia is not too much. This may be due to the product manufacturer RIM Blackberry Canadian origin are already known in Indonesia, and almost all people use it in Indonesia. Moreover, Android phones have started mushrooming, and have a fairly reliable capability and are sold at a fairly affordable.

But it is also possible the iPhone 4 may be sold and become a new trend in Indonesian society. Proven XL only interested in selling the product. Approximately how the price is pegged to the iPhone this 4 XL? What is cheaper than SingTel?

Tag : Harga iPhone 4,Price iPhone 4,Review iPhone 4,Spesifikasi iPhone 4,Specification iPhone 4

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